How to Avoid the Great Resignation

Besides focusing on the 5 cultural triggers I shared in a previous post…


It all begins with how you are interviewing and choose to interact, engage, and get to know your candidates.

▫️Has there been a team discussion around what is needed and desired for the role?
▫️Do you have the right and best prepared interviewees?
▫️Are you asking the right questions based on the needs and desires of the role, for you as the leader, and for your team?
▫️Are you implementing pre-employment testing that fits the role and provides you meaningful information (job knowledge, cognitive, skills, etc.)?
▫️Are you deeply getting to know the interviewee in many different ways (and not just once, in one interview)?

When the interview process is:
📌too loose
📌and unplanned
…we run the risk of missing many great opportunities to hire a long-term high-caliber and loyal employee.

Reconsider your hiring strategy to help you avoid more contributors to the great resignation!

👉I help individuals, leaders and teams create and apply meaningful and effective strategies to increase engagement and performance.



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